#Location Pannipitiya, 19 perches land.
#3250 square feet with 1600 square feet of roof garden.
#2 living rooms and dining area.
# Open Verandah and 2 kitchens
#one Car porch
#Library Room
#Pipe born water
Outdoor amenities
- Balcony
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- Address: Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
- Purpose: Sale
- Type: House
- County: Sri Lanka
- City: Pannipitiya
- Area: Less than 50m2
- Size precise: 19 perches m2
- Energy efficiency: -
- Bathrooms: 02
- Bedrooms: 04
- Rooms: 1
- Sale LK price: Rs 57,000,000.00
- Sale US price: $ 197,000.00
- Ownership: Owner
- Views Counter: 1645
Energy efficient
No Efficiency
Gas emissions
No Gas
Currency conversions
18842975206.61 | EUR (€) |
17952755905.51 | USD ($) |
22800000000.00 | GBP (£) |
QR code